High Impedance Fuel Injectors and Low Impedance Fuel Injectors

High Impedance Fuel Injectors and Low Impedance Fuel Injectors

Typically, high impedance injectors have a coil resistance from 8-16ohms. In fact, this range of high impedance injectors is more widely used than any other injector. And that’s because the drive circuitry of high impedance injectors is straightforward and utilizes a saturated driver circuit.

Unlike high impedance saturated injectors, low impedance injectors have different mechanics. For starters, low impedance injectors have a coil resistance of 4 ohms or lower. Ordinarily, these ranges of low-impedance injectors align with high-performance or large-sized injectors.

For these types of injectors, driver circuitry is referred to as a peak-and-hold system. It is a more expensive and complex type of injector than the widely used saturated driver circuit. In a traditional peak-and-hold system – the main driver enables a time-sensitive and high current to turn the low-impedance in an instant.

Subsequently, the current is reduced to a lower value to ensure the injector is open. On average, it takes peak-and-hold current to hit 4 amps to open up the injector. Once it is open, the current can decrease to 0.75 amps.

If the coil resistance is lower, the internal pressure that keeps the pintle close can increase to shut down the injector faster. Consequently, it allows users to leverage faster closing and opening times to make tuning large-sized injectors easier.

INAT Auto Parts specializes in high quality car fuel injectors for more than ten years, including 1000cc car fuel injectors, 1250cc car fuel injectors, 1300cc car fuel injectors, and so on. They are E85 available and can effectively improve automobile power. Find more auto parts just at inatautoparts.com.

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